Dear lord, help us all. If the Inuit kayaked to the moon, I suppose they would wear these boots on the way. On the other hand, my boyfriend took one look at them and screamed "LEGO!!!!!" I suppose they're at least functional, either way.

See, in my language, this is translated as "STUPID FUCKING GODDAMN SLOGAN."

Sorry, what?

More like disco SUCK, amirite? Seriously, though, what's with the glittering landing strip? It's like a bukkake runway.

I think my mom owned this negligee in the eighties.

Oh, my god, WHY?! What is that, condiment-print?

All right, I kind of love this. There's a dress made of the same fabric that I would totally wear, because who doesn't love glorious, Pepto-Bismol ponies? The shirt itself, however, is hideous.

I'm biased, because I hate shorts, but these are so Grandma-licious. Not my grandma; that lady only wore classic Chanel and would have deemed these shorts too gross to even give to her maid.

Speaking of Grandma-licious...oh, well. I guess it's more convenient to wear a picnic basket on one's feet than to carry it by hand. SO exhausting!

Was this purchased as a boutique in Innsmouth, by any chance? Or is it meant as terrifically clever clubwear that allows the wearer to vomit all over their front without anyone being the wiser?

Another quote from the boyfriend: "LEOPARD TUMORS!"