Monday, September 15, 2008

Fashion doesn't always translate well

My boyfrien and I are walking down Eglinton, on our way to Japanese class, when he suddenly cries, "Lady-man, man-lady, BUY OUR CLOTHES!"*


"It was on a billboard. There was a manly lady, and a man who looked like a lady, and then it said 'Parasuco,' which in a way is Russian for saying 'two butts.'"

I can't find a picture of the ad online, but I'll keep looking.

* This sounds weird to the uninitiated, but my boyfriend, for whom English is a fourth languae, erupts with similar nonsensical outbursts all day long. They make sense once you ask him for clarification, but passing strangers tend to find it mildly disturbing. Which, incidentally, is in the top five of my imaginary List of Things Guys Must Do To Make Me Want To Boink Them.

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